Steel Wool Photos in Dun Laoghaire

Steel Wool Photos in Dun Laoghaire

Some recent photos from Dún Laoghaire – the locations used were around the 40 foot in Sandycove and Coliemore Harbour, on two different nights.
This technique involves using long exposures at twilight (or later) to capture the trails produced by spinning burning steel (wire) wool.
The steel wool is held in a metal container (e.g. a kitchen whisk !) with a rope attached. Once lit, using a battery, it’s spun around to produce these trails.

A bit of trial and error is involved to produce a good result – in terms of location, exposure and the actual spinning itself. However, the results can be spectacular, if everything works out just right.

Last but not least, care needs to be taken that a safe location is chosen. The burning particles are generally small, and burn very briefly – but could still cause problems if they landed in the wrong place.

Long exposure photo of steel wool spinning at the Forty Foot in Dun Laoghaire

Steel Wool spinning photos from Sandycove

Long exposure twilight photo from Sandycove - with Steel Wool spinning

Forty Foot long exposure - wire wool spinning

Sandycove long exposure photo with steel wool

Forty Foot Steel Wool spinning - Dun Laoghaire

Long exposure of Coliemore Harbour and Dalkey Island - with steel wool spinning

Long exposure at Coliemore Harbour - twilight, Steel Wool

Steel Wool spinning - long exposure

Coliemore Harbour, Dun Laoghaire - long exposure, steel wool spinning

Coliemore Harbour, twilight photo with added Steel Wool spinning

Coliemore Harbour long exposure with steel wool spinning. Howth Head in the background.

These photos were taken with a group from my local photography society – Offshoot. If you’re interested in photography, have a look at the website and come along to one of the regular meetings.

Restored Pavilion in the People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire

Restored Pavilion in the People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire

Had a tour around recently as part of Open House Dublin organised by the IAF. The Pavilion in the People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire has been extensively restored and extended a bit, with lots of glass walling. It will shortly be opening (November 2014) as a Fallon & Byrne restaurant and coffee shop. As well as the restaurant itself, there is outdoor seating, and a viewing area on the roof.

Pavilion - side facing the park

Cast Iron roof detail

More re4constructed roof details

Exterior - showing stairs to viewing platform

Bloomsday – Joyce’s Tower

Bloomsday – Joyce’s Tower

Panorama taken from the James Joyce Tower in Sandycove.

(Click on the image – then click again on the resultant page image again to see the (large) fullsize version)

James Joyce Tower in Sandycove

Summer at Farmleigh

Summer at Farmleigh

I took these during a recent visit to Farmleigh House in the Phoenix Park. Spring blossoms and fresh growth.

Apple Blossom

Apple Blossom







Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Just a brief departure from my normal photographs in honour of our national holiday (and wine is another of my interests, apart from photography). The label is a humorous special version from Niepoort – they produce one from different countries each year, and now it’s Ireland’s turn. You can buy the actual wine in the Wicklow Wine Company, among other places.

Sásta wine label from Niepoort - St. Patrick driving out the snakes

Here’s the bottle of the wine to go with the label (different vintage, though) :

Sásta Wine bottle

I won’t be opening it just yet, and will report back then ! However, I’ve never had a bad bottle of wine from Niepoort